How can we put a man on the moon over 50 years ago and still not have a cure for cancer?

Introducing you to a war that kills over 600,000 Americans every year. A war that our government promised to fight but never has.

The War On Cancer

Cancer Industrial Complex Why we continue to fail Learn the secret most people don't know WATCH WATCH WATCH WATCH Birth of a failed institution 85 years later and cancer is 4x worse "As a result of signing this bill, the Congress is totally committed to ... the conquest of cancer." Another round of false promises Strike three, you're out. Time to change the system. Unleashing true american resolve to cure cancer WATCH

Learn How Our Government Has Failed Us

And what you can do to encourage them to change this fight for a cure.


Watch “Birth of a failed institution”

The story of how the NCI has failed since its inception in 1937 while in just 10 years we put a man on the moon.


Our Story

Watch in 8 minutes how Man On The Moon Cancer Mission was started.

 The most important thing you can do takes two minutes

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