Mission Accomplished. Mission Failed.
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Highlights from the video:
Tonight, over 15 million Americans battling cancer will go to bed wondering when or if cancer will be attacking them again. How can we put a man on the moon but we can't find a cure for cancer? Finding a cure for cancer has been talked about for decades by many politicians.
The Facts Of How We’ve Failed
Every 56 Seconds
A person dies from cancer in the U.S.
1.7 Million
Americans will be attacked by cancer this year
What 1 million people looks like
More than 600,000
will die from cancer this year
Every 2.2 years
more Americans die from cancer than all the wars we’ve fought combined since the birth of our nation
of all the deaths in our country will be caused by cancer
$180 Billion per year
was spent to send a man to the moon (in today’s $)
$5.9 Billion per year
Our current budget per year for curing cancer
$154 Billion per year
Cancer treatments & Medicare costs
How do we convince our government to fulfill their promise of a cure for cancer?
How do we convince them to spend man on the moon type money to find the cure
Send a letter to your elected officials. Takes less than 2 minutes.