The Power of The People

Let us not be afraid to help each other—let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and Senators and Congressmen and Government officials but the voters of this country.
— President Franklin D. Roosevelt — July 8, 1938

As of this writing, the Coronavirus has killed over 725,000 U.S. Americans.

In the past 18 months, we’ve witnessed the sheer monetary and structured efforts of our government.

In 2020, some of the measures our government used to save lives:

  • Shut down our economy

  • Quarantined our people

  • Issued nationwide testing

  • Mandated masks

  • Forced many businesses to close

We have listened to our politicians tell us that there are no measures we should stop at to save even just one additional life.

In the same amount of time COVID has killed 725,000 Americans, 1,000,000 Americans have died from cancer.


Cancer will continue to kill over 600,000 Americans every year with no end in sight.


At our government’s current rate of spending to find a cure for cancer, it will only take 1,050 more years to hit 6 trillion that has been spent battling COVID19.

We in the Cancer community have been IGNORED for way TO LONG.


The Cancer community is more than just the patient.

With 15 million American currently living with a cancer diagnosis, approximately 183 million people are affected by cancer.

Politicians respond to votes.


The most important thing you can do is let your elected officials know your extreme discontent with our nation’s progress on finding a cure for cancer.

You can do that right here, right now.
Takes 2 minutes:


The Cancer Moonshot


The Cancer Industrial Complex